· Nicolas Legros

Agile Development: Revolution or Common Sense?

Agile development is a discipline that has taken a prominent place in the world of software development and beyond, becoming a buzzword in the industry. For some, agility represents a revolution in the way projects are managed and delivered, while for others, it is merely a formalization of common sense. Let’s explore the different aspects of the Agile method as defined by the Agile Manifesto and highlight its impact on customer satisfaction.

The Foundations of Agile

Agility, as defined by the Agile Manifesto, is based on four main values:

  • Individuals and interactions over processes and tools.
  • Working software over comprehensive documentation.
  • Customer collaboration over contract negotiation.
  • Responding to change over following a plan.

These values promote a flexible and iterative approach to software development, allowing teams to respond quickly to changes and deliver high-quality products.

Impact on Customer Satisfaction

One of the most remarkable aspects of Agility is its positive impact on customer satisfaction. Through frequent deliveries and continuous adjustments based on user feedback, customers feel more involved and see tangible results quickly. The Agile approach presents several key advantages:

  • Frequent deliveries: By emphasizing small-scale deliveries as quickly as possible, customers can quickly see progress and use new features. This continuous visibility ensures transparency and anticipates potential problems.
  • Continuous communication: By regularly involving customers through demonstrations and feedback sessions, teams can ensure that the final product meets the real expectations and needs of the customers. Adjustments can be made quickly, minimizing the risk of delivering a product that does not satisfy users.
  • Adaptation to changes: Customer priorities may evolve during a project. The Agile approach allows for goals and features to be readjusted according to new requirements, ensuring that the product remains relevant and useful to the customer throughout its lifecycle.
  • Quality improvement: Continuous testing and frequent iterations allow errors to be detected and corrected earlier in the development process. This improves the quality of the final product and reduces post-delivery maintenance time.

Agile Principles Beyond the Methodology

Adopting Agility is not limited to mechanically applying the aforementioned values. These values must deeply integrate into the company culture, and every member must be disciplined to truly embody Agility.

To better understand how Agile principles can be applied, let’s examine some common scenarios and see how Agility can provide effective solutions:

  • “The sales team announces a new feature without consulting the development team, creating unrealistic expectations for customers.”: Establish regular meetings between sales and development teams to discuss features before announcing them. This promotes collaboration, manages expectations, and ensures that promises made to customers are achievable.
  • “We deliver features, but customers are never satisfied.”: Continuously collaborate with customers to ensure the product meets their expectations. Regularly involve them in the development process by showing progress before the final delivery to gather their feedback and adjust the product accordingly.
  • “Customers are not satisfied because we deliver the initially established features, but we fail to deliver the ones they want that were established later.”: It is important to be able to adapt to changes rather than ignore them. Listen to customers and adapt our practice according to their needs. Software development is very complex, so it is normal for requirements to evolve over time.

Thus, integrating the fundamental principles of Agility into a company culture often formalizes practices derived from common sense. Agility merely provides a framework and terminology for these principles, making them more accessible and systematic to implement.

Challenges of Adopting the Agile Approach

Although Agility seems intuitive and logical, its adoption is not always simple. Companies often face cultural resistance like the need to train their teams, and to review their internal processes. Additionally, applying Agile principles requires rigorous discipline and a clear understanding of the underlying values, which can pose significant challenges.


So, is Agile development revolutionary or simply a matter of common sense? The answer is probably a mix of both. On one hand, Agility has undeniably revolutionized how projects are managed, introducing iterative and adaptive practices that have transformed software development. On the other hand, many Agile principles rely on basic concepts that already existed before.

Ultimately, what matters most is the positive impact of Agile development on customers. Whether seen as a revolution or a mere formalization of best practices, agility continues to play a crucial role in improving efficiency, quality, and customer satisfaction in the world of software development. Customers benefit from a more transparent process, a product better suited to their needs, and a more collaborative relationship with development teams, thereby enhancing their satisfaction and loyalty.

  • agile